It concerns fundamental questions about existence, origin, responsibility, free will, etcetera.
Questions about "The end".
Wirholt has reached the point where the schools are no longer allowed to
tell about "The Conception" of the Writer. Did you know that in some
countries there are also attempts to forbid schools to talk about the story
of the creation in the bible?
What is your opinion about that?
In the chapter "The history" some schools forbade to teach about the history
of Wirlt. Did you answer the question about that similar to the above
Some people say that the Writer may be dead after all those centuries. What
do you think, how old has the Writer grown in this period?
Did you ever hear about the "God is dead" theory?
What is your opinion about it?
Other people in Wirlt think that the Writer never existed, because they
cannot think of a reason where he is needed for. Is that a good argument?
Are you surprised if people cannot come up with a reason why they need God?
Do you wonder what God thinks of people who think they do not need God?
The Writer makes an end to Wirlt in a way that is impossible according the
scientists of Wirlt. Could God make an end to our world in a way that
contradicts the laws of nature?
Is the last sentence of this chapter really the end of Wirlt?
If you have remarks, send them with the following form.