It concerns fundamental questions about existence, origin, responsibility, free will, etcetera.
Questions about "The writer".
Judith wonders whether the Writer could let a horse talk.
In the bible is a story in which God let a donkey talk.
Did you ever wonder whether that is possible?
According to Saska the Writer can not do it, because the anatomy of a horse
does not allow it. Would that really be an obstacle for the Writer?
Is the Writer limited by the laws of nature made up by himself?
Has science the means to prove that God could not possibly have done the
miracles described in the bible?
Do you think that the Writer could have let the horse of Saska talk, if he
wanted it?
Do you think the Writer should have done it?
Saska admits that a horse in a made-up story could talk. Is Saska in a
made-up story, too?
Saska does not believe that she has been made up by the Writer, because she
feels that she is real, because she sees things, she remembers things. Is
that a valid argument?
Saska does not believe that in earlier days everyone believed in the Writer.
She thinks that traces of people who did not believe in the Writer are
erased by "fanatic believers". Why would she assume such things?
Some scientists assume that the history in the bible has been "adapted" by
believers. Why would they assume such things?
Judith has another argument for the existence of the Writer. Sometimes the
course of a story is so peculiar that it must have been made up. Mention
such an element in this story of Judith and Saska.
Did Judith and Saska notice this element in their story?
Did you ever notice such an element in your own life?
If you can not remember something like that in your own life, could it be
that other people did notice it?
If you have remarks, send them with the following form.