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It concerns fundamental questions about existence, origin, responsibility, free will, etcetera.
Questions about "The walk".
Liz finds Wirlt so beautiful that she believes that it must have been made
up by someone. In our world, too, there are people reaching this conclusion.
Have you ever heard of it?
Franks wants a proof that Wirlt has been devised by someone and that the
Writer exists. Could someone in Wirlt deliver such a proof?
Everything in Wirlt follows fixed laws of nature, says Frank. Therefore he
finds it difficult to accept that the Writer exists. Do you know people
having difficulties to believe in God for the same reason?
Do you think it is wrong that the Writer adheres to the laws of nature?
The fact that things follow the laws of nature, does it prove that the
Writer does not exist?
Is science able to prove that God does not exist?
Frank believes only what he can observe, such as the unicorns. Do unicorns
really exist?
Is it a proof that something exists if you can see it?
Frank cannot believe in things he cannot see, such as the Writer or people
reading the book. Do people reading this book exist?
If you cannot observe something, does that prove that it does not exist?
If you have remarks, send them with the following form.
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