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It concerns fundamental questions about existence, origin, responsibility, free will, etcetera.


Questions about "The history".

  1. Arnold thinks that it is not necessary that the Writer devised the Battle at Full Moon. Could you think of a reason why the Writer needed it?
  2. Can you imagine that Arnold did not come up with that reason?
    Yes No
  3. Is it strange if people cannot think of a reason for a history before the creation of the earth?
    Yes No
  4. Could it be that yet God has a reason for it?
    Yes No
  5. In the chapter about the flood it was said already that the Writer could have another time than the time of Wirlt. In this chapter Mr. Auld says it again. The first chapter tells that the Writer made Wirlt in six days. Does the word "day" there mean a normal day?
    Yes No
  6. In some parts of Wirlt teaching history was forbidden. Have you heard of schools where it is not allowed to tell about what  modern science thinks about the history of the earth?
    Yes No
  7. What is your opinion about it?

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Latest change 27-mrt-2021