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It concerns fundamental questions about existence, origin, responsibility, free will, etcetera.


Questions about "The patient".

  1. Tom thinks that the Writer can keep him alive even if he does not eat. Do you think that the Writer could do that indeed?
    Yes No
  2. Would the book be credible if the Writer did it often?
    Yes No
  3. What do you think when Adilla says that Bart has no respect for the Writer and turns himself against the Writer?
  4. What do you think if someone says: "If God wants me to be a believer it will happen by itself, but if God does not want me to be a believer it won't help me if I do my best."?
  5. To stay healthy you must eat, What should you do to grow in faith in God?
  6. Do you think that a good writer should adhere to rules that have been established in advance?
    Yes No
  7. Is Adilla a man or a woman?
    Woman Man

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Latest change 27-mrt-2021