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It concerns fundamental questions about existence, origin, responsibility, free will, etcetera.


Questions about "The flood".

  1. Can you imagine why Jonas is upset about the flood?
    Yes No
  2. Do you think the Writer did an evil thing by making such a disaster?
    Yes No
  3. Do you think Erna is right by saying that the disaster is not so bad, because the Writer only devised?
    Yes No
  4. God devised us. Do you think He should prevent disasters?
    Yes No
  5. If your answers for B and D are different, can you explain why you did it?
  6. Can you think of a reason why the Writer would want to write about such a terrible disaster?
  7. Do you think that the inhabitants of Wirlt could have thought of that idea (your answer for F)?
    Yes No
  8. Do you think that it is true that the Writer is not subjected to the time of Jonas and Erna, but that het can as easily go back to their past as go forward to their future?
    Yes No
  9. Do you also think that a writer should not too often deviate from his original idea?
    Yes No
  10. The "people of the the Second Book" believe that the Writer could write another book, with the same people as in this book, but without any misery. Do you think that the Write could do that?
    Yes No
  11. It is about a sort of "Hereafter". Would scientists of Wirlt be able to prove whether such a thing is possible or not?
    Yes No
  12. Would scientists in our world be able to prove whether a "Hereafter" for us exists?
    Yes No
  13. Some "people of the Second Book" even claim that the second book could have been completed already. Apparently the time of the hereafter is not necessarily the same as our time. Is the word "hereafter" a good choice, then?
    Yes No
  14. Can you imagine that someone after his life in Wirlt continues immediately with his life in the Second Book, whereas for other people it will last centuries before the time of the Second Book starts?
    Yes No
  15. Jonas suggests the possibility that the Writer could respond to experiences of people in Wirlt. Do you think that such a thing is possible when a book is written?
    Yes No

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Latest change 27-mrt-2021