
Start page
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Why has it been written?
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It concerns fundamental questions about existence, origin, responsibility, free will, etcetera.


Questions about "The crime".

  1. Have you read a book where the villain received the punishment he deserved?
    Yes No
  2. Is it fair if in a story the villain receives the punishment he deserves?
    Yes No
  3. Do you think that the murderer in this story is guilty and deserves punishment?
    Yes No
  4. Do you think that the judge has a good motivation for his decision?
    Yes No
  5. Can you think of a better argument for the decision of the judge?
  6. Do you think that the Writer is guilty of murder? Is the Writer a murderer?
    Yes No

If you have remarks, send them with the following form.

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Latest change 27-mrt-2021