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It concerns fundamental questions about existence, origin, responsibility, free will, etcetera.


Questions about "The awakening".

  1. When Kevin and Brenda wake up it turns out that a lot of things happened already before the first story started. Can you write down some of these things?
  2. Do you know a book that starts when really nothing has happened yet?
    Yes No
  3. Do you think the Writer is a deceiver because things happened before the book started?
    Yes No
  4. Almost everybody in Wirlt is very confused when they realise that Wirlt just started. Would you be confused as well if you would discover that the world was created a few hours ago?
    Yes No
  5. Do you think that Adam has been confused as well when God told him that he was created very recently?
    Yes No
  6. A remarkable difference between the book and the bible is that the bible starts with one man, Adam, whereas the book starts with a whole society. Is it important that Adam is the ancestor of all of us? (Read Rom. 5:12 and further)
    Yes No
  7. Some people find the bible unbelievable, because Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 tell different stories about the beginning of the world. Did you notice that this book also has two different stories in chapter 1 and chapter 2 about how Wirlt started? Do you think that these two stories contradict each other?
    Yes No

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Latest change 27-mrt-2021